What Would You Do? (Children's Books)
Thursday, September 07, 2006When I was young I was lucky enough to have a father who read to me almost every night before I went to bed. As I look back I remember how my imagination would construct these stories, how vivid and real it all seemed inside my head and how sometimes the stories would cross over into my dreams and would last the whole night.
My father must have read me hundreds of books, but the ones with the strongest childhood impressions are the ones I still remember to this day.
For example,
Without giving a book review, this book had possibly some of the most poignant illustrations in a children's book. For that I will remember Sal.
Swimmy is about a black colored fish in a group of red colored fish. After he is driven away for being different, Swimmy saves the day by rallying the red fish against a predator. A great book with some unique artwork.
And last but not least, "I said doctor! Doctoooor! Mr. MD!"
All classics. But now I would like to draw your attention to this one particular book.
This is another classic Seuss book. It is basically about using your imagination and encouraging kids to dream without boundaries. As I child I remember loving this book.
there was always one page in this book which I had to skip because as a child it quite literally frightened me. I still find it kind of creepy...
No place to run, no place to hide.
What would YOU do? If you met a Jibboo?