Battle of The Bands (was a awhile ago...)
It happened actually quite a while ago, maybe about 6 months.
Ant organized one hell of show at Sam & Dave's Umeda.
The battle involved 5 bands each competing for a grand prize of 50,000yen
It was quite a night, and definetly one of the highlights of my Senior year.
The band I was in, "The Burgundy Upperground" consisted of,
Yuri Yoshioka on Bass, Kenji Herbert on Guitar, and myself on Vocals and drums.
We gave the audience a little taste of oldies that night as we tore through "Foxey Lady", "Highway to Hell", and "Day Tripper".
That night we realized how befitting the label "Classics" is to those songs.
The reason why I bring it up again after all this time is because I finally extracted the audio from the video that I recieved.
So if you're interested here is a little taste of the Battle of The Bands during our set. Check out these Mp3 files. Tell me what you think!
Foxey Lady
Highway to Hell
Day Tripper
Until next time!
Oh, and on a completely different note. This is what happens after you graduate Highschool and you don't have homework.
audio files: ooooooooohhhhhh shit-- that was a fucking awesome night
youtube: did you actually sing that or lip synch it? wakaran it's seemless... and... do i know the guy in the video with you?
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