A Neon Pink Dress
We have hardships in our lives.
Even the happiest people on the planet have gone through some kind of difficult time.
There are moments in life we would really prefer not to replay...
Or would we? I say this because, everything single event that has taken place in our lives has contributed to who we are. There are usually a few main influences that shape our being, but the person we are is a product of the different events we have experienced in life.
Which means...
Even the bad times. I personally think, ESPECIALLY the bad times effect who we are. The reason being, we learn a lot more from our negative experiences. We learn from our mistakes.
We grow.
I personally believe that I have learned a lot from my previous relationship with a girl. But the learning only came AFTER the realtionship was over. The break up was a difficult time to say the least, but from that negative experience, I learned a lot about myself. The relationship not only shaped my character even more, but it also brought to light things I did not know about myself.
So, if I had a magic wand that could take away all the bad times I had with that relationship, would I do it? No way. Not a chance.
I grew.
I had come to this conclusion quite recently and to look at everything that happens in my life through this perspective has become a part of my creed.
So the next time someone says, "Oh man, I wish that wouldn't have happened...", just say
A. "Don't worry man, it makes you who you are!"
B. "Don't worry, it makes for a funny story!"
C. "Stop whining you loser"
D. "Do you think this dress makes me look fat?"
I personally would go for "B" (I am concerned about "D" though, esp. when I wear my neon pink dress)
Iv also had the same kind of experience as you (of course, you know that).
My relationship in the past was pretty..."intense"; there's more to it than this word.
But hey, I lived through. and i was on the verge of breaking down (or did i?), but i managed to maintain myself.
and of course, i learned. i hope.
I'd choose D (eh) A would be my real answer, but D is quite considerable.
8:48 PM
E. "Can you shut up and pass me the lubricant already?"
11:11 PM
It's always easier said then done. I'm not bashing your post-infact, I agree with it. It's just that it's sometimes incredibly, massively, strenously, hard to keep in mind that our "falls" in life make us stronger, and make us grow...My views on life right now seem really superficial...I have to have A's, B's don't suffice, I care about my transcript a little too much, and maybe I shouldn't be concerned with what kind of college I get in to...But...I DO care...and when the shit hits the fan, it's really hard, personally, to bring myself back up...But, I'll try to keep your "advice" in mind...and hey- pink neon dresses are THE way to go. ;)
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