The other day, someone told me that the decisions I make now (Mainly about college) will etch in stone my path towards the future. As were getting prepared for college people (Adults) tell us that the choices we make right now are the biggest decisions we will make in our lives.
I'm getting tired of hearing this...and I think Im not alone.
I mean, seriously, who knows where we will be in 10 or 15 years? I mean, we could be dead (Scary, but we could get hit by a bus tomorrow). A few months ago I watched the movie "The Day After Tomorrow", it was crap, no question, but there was one element in the story that I really liked. If you remember, in the movie the world is in disaster because of a major climate change which results in huge storms, blizzards, tidal waves and so on. There is a extremely smart girl (the love interest of the main character) who halfway through the movie, pours her heart out and says,
"Everything I've ever cared about, everything I've worked for, it's all been in preparation for a future that no longer exists."
That really made me think, what is it all for?
I'm not saying, "Screw education because the world could end tomorrow!" It just made me think of how superficial a lot things we are concerned with are. If every stage of our lives is in preperation for the next, when do we stop?
In light of all this, one song has really struck a note with me.
"In The Moment" By Sister Hazel
Well if you're wondering
Where I've been all evening
If you think that I've drifted off
Without leavin' here I've finally found the answers
Don't worry, I'm not lost
I'm in the moment
The one where nothing matters
And everything's alright
I'm seeing things so clearly now
And you're the reason why
I'm in the moment
And I've alive
I'm alive
Man... future... sigh.
Few years ago, i thought this whole "college crap" was way beyond, and now, it's a year ahead.
Maa I can't swallow everything the adults tell us about the future, but since I grew up in a total Japanese-"Ojuken"-society, the whole "future deal" is in my gene.
I'm less competitive than I used to be, but... I dunno, it's sad, but I can't help it.
...tte HEY! Don't diss "The Day After Tomorrow", it wasn't crap!! >:(
11:26 PM
koko kuru no chou hisashbur.
i think its ok that we dont know wat to want w/ our lives. we have tons of time man... i dont think its ever too late for anything. (personal philosophy kinda thing)
and its true we could die tmrw, i mean with all that shit about global warming... its very possible and when we run out of fossil fuel... boy is that gonna be fun.
so my conclusion... find something u love and go for it.
dats wat i'm gonna do
9:02 PM
i agree w/ the above.
parents and teachers pressure you about work, but who cares?
it's possible that the work you're putting effort in may not even be suitable for you in the future.
The world's complicating, money and all, but what can change your favs and thoughts?
I say just do those that interest you.
11:40 PM
teka hahah, i just noticed that "someone" you're talking about is my mom!
Yea, she gives college lectures at least twice a week... the same old stuff, but I (pretend to) take it seriously.
Maa i think it's a semi-serious decision to make, whether it affects your future or not.
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