One time I was in this airport. Although the location is unimportant, it was somewhere in the states. I was on one of those moving walkways headed towards the departure gate. The airport was busy, the gift shops were filled and cafe's and restaurants seemed to be making a good turn over for the day. People came and went from various gates, some were sitting, some standing, reading, listening to music, talking with someone, talking to themselves, etc. I witnessed all this as the walkway took me very slowly towards my destination.
This is when I saw a whole line of public telephones.
There were many people making calls, but one woman caught my eye. She was almost in a kneeling position on the ground. Her one hand was tightly gripping the receiver while the other was cupped over her mouth.
Her face was red and tears were falling down her face.
I cannot begin to guess what it was that she had heard on the phone. All I knew was that it was enough to make her knees buckle and make her cry in an airport. No one around her seemed to notice. Everyone went about their own business.
Sometimes we forget that everyone has a story. Everyone has a life that they have lead. Although someone might be a stranger to us, they are a best friend, a father, a mother, a cousin, a lover or even a godparent to someone else. We are all a part of this collective group called the human race and yet we only seem to be really concerned with our own lives and the lives of those who are closest to us. I guess thats natural. But (to use a japanese word) さみしい at the same time.
yes... not noticing what's really happening around us... just going on with whatever you want to do... not paying attention to other things... but in reality, and the sad thing is, we can rarely do anything about what's happening around us (as i say this, there are people who are problbly having the greatest moment of their lives and people who aren't) it's too bad when you really want to do something; a change - to something that doesn't strike you as the best thing in the world... although each one of us are one of the biliions who live today
we're quite a selfish bunch, aren't we?
or may be it's just me - APEMAN
12:54 AM
We are the clumsy passersby by Pablo Neruda
We are the clumsy passersby, we push past each other with elbows,
with feet, with trousers, with suitcases,
we get off the train, the jet plane, the ship, we step down
in our wrinkled suits and sinister hats.
We are all guilty, we are all sinners,
we come from dead-end hotels or industrial peace,
this might be our last clean shirt,
we have misplaced our tie,
yet even so, on the edge of panic, pompous,
sons of bitches who move in the highest circles
or quiet types who don't owe anything to anybody,
we are one and the same, the same in time's eyes,
or in solitude's: we are the poor devils
who earn a living and a death working
bureautragically or in the usual ways,
sitting down or packed together in subway stations,
boats, mines, research centers, jails,
universities, breweries,
(under our clothes the same thirsty skin),
(the hair, the same hair, only in different colors).
(I was just reading this a few hours after I read your blog and chotto connection ga atta kara....peace. ellie.)
6:36 PM
its true, but if there were lots of small groups that cared about eachother, it should be sufficient. the world is too big a group for us. 人間は 大きい 組織では うまく機能 しない 唯一の 生物かもね。 でも そんなに かなしいことじゃないのかもしれないよ。そうたより
7:54 AM
thats wut i think sometimes when seeing faces on the train, everyone just staring blankly ahead.
PS is that detroit airport?
7:35 PM
Ape: Yea, we are selfish in a way. But I guess we can't be angry at ourselves for what we are.
Ellie: Nanka, that poem is kanpeki. Ma the second half is chotto harsh demo, all in all it really captures what I felt (I think...)
Sota: Yea, betsuni mecha kanashii teyu imide yutanto chaunen. Its just that sometimes i think were too inpersonal to people around us u know?
Mitsuki: Im not sure where that photos from. I nicked it off some other site. Demo yea, on the train to, I get that feeling.
3:52 AM
Just stumbled across your blog and read this post and the guide to being a loser ( Ignore the fact that my name starts with an L...lol ). This one stuck out because it reminded me of me at an airport here for 12 hours, crying my eyes out over a broken heart awaiting a last minute flight home to Australia. I know alot of people were checking me out and wondering what was going on, including security..lmao.Silly me came back again and married him. Everyone has a story indeed and thats the beauty of blogging and reading peoples lives, I know I'm addicted now. Anyways...just wanted to say hello and have a great weekend.
5:27 AM
That photo was nicked from me. yes it is from the Detroit airport.
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